Student Learning Mobility

Higher Education Student Learning Mobility

It is the completion of a part of the education of the student registered in the higher education institution in the higher education institution abroad, which is partnered with the agreement between the institutions. The duration of the activity can be as much as one or two semesters of the education period in an academic year, being valid for each education level separately. Education level refers to associate, undergraduate, graduate and doctorate levels.

Who Can Benefit From Erasmus Study Mobility?

The beneficiaries of this activity are full-time associate, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students. However, the application must be made by the higher education institution or the coordinator of the national higher education mobility consortium. Individual applications are not accepted.

General conditions of Erasmus Study Mobility:

Which Organizations Are Eligible?

In order to apply as a higher education institution; It is necessary to be a higher education institution located in the program country and holding the "Erasmus Charter for Higher Education-ECHE".
In order to apply as a National Mobility Consortium; It is necessary to be the coordinator organization located in the program country and holding the Higher Education Mobility Consortium Certificate. Organizations that do not have a valid Mobility Consortium Certificate can apply for a mobility project grant at the same time as they apply for it.
Mobility activity for higher education students and staff must include at least one sending and at least one host organization, both located in Program Countries.

According to the type of activity;

What are the Duties of the Participating Organizations?

Participating organizations involved in the mobility project undertake the following roles and tasks:

Sending institution: Responsible for the selection and sending abroad of students and staff. This task includes grant payments, preparation for the mobility period, monitoring and recognition.

Host institution: It is responsible for accepting students/staff from abroad and offering them a training/internship or activity program.

How Long are the Activity Periods?

The duration of the activity varies according to the type of activity:

In student mobility for education; 3 to 12 months

In student mobility for internship; 2 to 12 months

What Happens When Activity Periods Are Not Followed?

The minimum duration of the activities,

Learning Mobility minimum duration of activity : 3 months

StajInternship Mobility minimum duration of activity: 2 months

BIn case of non-compliance with the specified minimum periods, your activity will be deemed invalid and the student has to return the entire grant payment. Your activity periods are finalized by supporting the activity periods with the Certificate of Participation received from the counterparties.

Where to apply?

Students of higher education institutions apply to their own institutions.

How can I apply for Erasmus Study Mobility?

Application and selection procedures are applied once a year for students who will benefit from Erasmus learning mobility at our university. Although the application dates vary each year, the selection process usually starts in January or February, and in this process, students who will benefit from the exchange activities in the fall, spring, fall + spring semesters of the next academic year are determined. The work schedule for the selection process is published on the website in October. Applications are received online on the dates specified in the work calendar. During the application periods, you can apply through the link published on our website ( In order to apply, there must be an Erasmus interinstitutional agreement between your department and an EU higher education institution holding an Erasmus University Charter (EÜB), valid in the relevant academic year.

What are Academic Status, Course Registration and Academic Fees?

In return for the courses that the student should take at our university, the equivalent courses are determined and the recognition of the courses taken is determined by the Learning Agreement signed between the student, the student's own institution and the institution he / she will attend before the exchange period, the Learning Agreement for graduate students, and the Learning Agreement for Interdisciplinary Graduate students. recorded and secured. It is not expected that the course names and contents will be exactly the same, it is sufficient that the course contents are similar at a high level. It has been committed during the application of our university's Erasmus University Declaration that the courses included in a Learning Agreement, which must be signed by the authorities of the institutions and the student who will go, are completed.

When choosing a course, 30 ECTS credits for 1 semester and 60 ECTS credits for 1 year should be targeted.

Erasmus students register at our university, there is no freezing of registration for the period they will spend abroad. The registration and tuition fees of the students are only paid to our university, no registration or tuition fees are paid to the institution they will visit. However, the destination institution may also request from Erasmus students the small amount of payments other than the registration and tuition fee that it demands from its own students. Examples of such payments are sports facilities subscription fee, transportation fee and excursion fee.

National scholarships already received by the student cannot be terminated, interrupted or reduced during their study abroad. In addition, the national scholarships received by the student cannot limit the right to benefit from the Erasmus grant.

How is Erasmus Success Score calculated?

When calculating the Erasmus Success Score of the applicants, 50% of their academic average and 50% of their foreign language score are taken, and the students with the highest scores are selected and placed according to their preferences.

In addition to the average of academic achievement and foreign language result; While calculating the sum of the academic achievement and foreign language scores of the students who have previously benefited from education or internship mobility within the scope of the Lifelong Learning Program or Erasmus+ within the same education level, a reduction of 10 points is applied for each activity previously utilized (without any distinction between education and internship). So,

Should I Take the Foreign Language Exam to Benefit from the Erasmus Programme?

Yes. When choosing an Erasmus learning mobility student, 50% of the overall grade point average and 50% of the foreign language score are taken, and according to the calculated weighted average, as many students as the Interinstitutional Agreement quota allows, become Erasmus candidate students. Students who apply to benefit from the program are obliged to take the foreign language exams held at the places and dates announced on our page during the application period. Students must take the exam in the language(s) of education applied to Erasmus students of the higher education institution they prefer. If a student has chosen both an English-language university and a university with a different language of instruction (eg German), this student must take the exam in both languages. What is meant by the expression language of education is the language of education that will be applied to Erasmus students, not the official language of education that the relevant higher education institution routinely applies to its own students. For example, the language of instruction of a higher education institution in Germany may be German, but methods such as teaching Erasmus students in English, providing education materials in English or grading by making a presentation can be followed. If a threshold has been determined and announced by the unit for the languages to be tested, the student has to get a score above the threshold. For Erasmus students, SBTU School of Foreign Languages conducts exams in English. YDS/YÖKDİL documents will not be accepted in any way in the selection of students who will receive education in English with the Erasmus program. Information on whether there is a language barrier or not will be included in the application text of the relevant academic year

If the Language of Instruction/Exam Language is Italian or Spanish, Which Language Should I Take the Exam in?

Our students who prefer higher education institutions whose language of education is Italian or Spanish for Erasmus students should bring at least B1 level certificate from an official foreign language course in one of these languages (whichever language they will study in) within the application date. These students will be placed in the quota of institutions that provide education in Italian or Spanish according to the certificate language. However, these students are also required to take the English language exam and get the specified threshold grade. If the department quota provided in the agreements with Italian or Spanish education institutions is not filled, students who have taken the English exam and passed the threshold will be placed in the quota.

What are the Study Mobility Grant Amounts?

2021 ve 2022 Proje Dönemi Hibe Miktarları için tıklayınız. 

Note: During the period during which the students participating in the mobility activity carry out their activities abroad, the higher education scholarships and credits they have already received cannot be terminated, interrupted or reduced during the education/internship activity. If only YTB scholarship students participate in the activity, there is a deduction in YTB scholarships, and students can participate in the mobility by submitting a petition to the Erasmus Institution Coordinator within this information. Foreign students with YÖK Scholarship, who were awarded scholarships in accordance with the "Procedures and Principles Regarding the Support to be Provided to Foreign Students from Abroad by the Higher Education Council", which was approved at the meeting of the Higher Education Executive Board on 31.01.2018, are eligible for another academic exchange program (Mevlana, Erasmus+, etc. .) at the meeting of the Higher Education Executive Board dated 04.04.2018. Grant payments are made in proportion to the payment made to our university by the Turkish National Agency. Grants to students are paid in 2 instalments. The first installment is paid before the student leaves. The payment of the second installment is made at the end of the exchange period, after the student submits the Student Final Report (Online Final Report), Transcript, and Certificate of Participation, by recalculating the total grant according to the education start-end dates specified in the Certificate of Attendance.

Students can only receive grants for their Erasmus+ study period for the period they are abroad, in case of a shorter stay than the planned exchange, a grant will be given only for the period of stay.

Regarding Grants

  1. If there are not enough grants left for students who want to extend their period after the grant received in the initial planning is distributed to all their students, the student may be allowed to stay without a grant, provided that the university consents to this and all Erasmus rules are applied.
  2. The Learning Agreement, which must be completed for the student's extension period, must be updated and the signature process must be completed within one month after the start of the extension part of the study.
  3. Higher education institutions are responsible for the fair and transparent execution of this practice.
  4. The monthly grant amounts given to the students are made up of the contribution of the European Commission and the Republic of Turkey.
  5. No grant will be awarded for the road allowance.
  6. No tuition fee (tuition, registration, exam, library, etc.) will be paid at the institution, although Sivas Science and Technology University is obliged to fulfill the obligations such as fees. Other scholarships that the student receives (state scholarships, university success scholarships, etc.) will continue during the exchange.

Note: It is not possible for foreign students with YÖK Scholarship to participate in another academic exchange program (Mevlana, Erasmus+, etc.) during their education in Turkey, with the decision of the Executive Board of Higher Education dated 04.04.2018.